Bright House
For the student of S.S.C. and H.S.C.
Sk Kawser ahmad (Sohan)
01920 101311
01920 101311
Right forms of verb (rules)
Rule-1: Have, has, had, be, been, being, having, getting TAKE V3 (past participle)
Ex: I have (receive) _____ your letter.
Ex: I have (receive) _____ your letter.
Rule-2: May, might, can, could, shall, should, will, would, must, ought to, need, dare, used to, do, does, did, to TAKE V1 (Main verb)
Ex: You should (to go) _____there.
Ex: You should (to go) _____there.
Rule-3: With a view to, look forward to,
in order to, get used to, be used to, in addition to, refer to, mind,
can not help, could not help, feel, like, prefer, worth, TAKE gerund (v+ing)
Ex: He was used to (play) ___.
Ex: He was used to (play) ___.
Rule-4: Am, is, are, was, were + active voice = v + ing, passive voice = V3. Ex: I am (eat) a mango. A mango is (eat) by me.
Rule-5: Generally, sometimes, everyday,
regularly, occasionally, normally, daily, often = present indefinite
tense {s+v(s/es) +o}.
Ex: He (go) ___ to school everyday.
Ex: He (go) ___ to school everyday.
Rule-5: Gradually, day by day, now, at this moment, at present = present continuous tense {s+am/is/are+v+ing}.
Ex: He is (go)__ to school at this moment.
Ex: He is (go)__ to school at this moment.
Rule-6: Just, just now , recently, lately, yet, ever = present perfect tense {s+have/has+ v3+o}
Ex: I (do) ___ the work just now.
Ex: I (do) ___ the work just now.
Rule-7: Yesterday, ago, last night, last week, long ago, long since, before, once, etc. = past indefinite tense {s+v2+o}
Ex: I (go) ___ to school yesterday.
Ex: I (go) ___ to school yesterday.
Rule-8: While+ verb+ ing. While+ sub+ was/were+ verb+ ing.
Ex: While (eat) __ rice. While he (eat) __ rice.
Ex: While (eat) __ rice. While he (eat) __ rice.
Rules of TENSE
Present Indefinite T = S+v(s/es)+O.
Pre Continuous T = S+am/is/are+v+ing+O.
Pre Perfect T = S+have/has+v3+O.
Past Ind T = S+v2+O.
Past Con T = S+was/were+v+ing+O.
Past Per T = S+had+v3+O.
Past Per Con T = S+had+been+ v+ing+ O.
Future Ind T = S+shall/will+v1+O.
Fut Con T = S+shall/will+be+v+ ng+O.
Fut Per T = S+shall/will+have+v3+O.
Fut Per Con T = S+shall/will+have+been+v+ing+O.
Bright House
Sk. Kawser Ahmad (Sohan)
Bright House
Rules of TENSE
Active + Passive
Present Indefinite Tense
Act: Subject + verb (s/es) + Object.
Pas: Object + am/is/are + V3+ Preposition+ Subject.
I eat a mango.
A mango is eaten by me.
Continuous T
Sub + am/is/are + verb + ing +Obj.
Obj + am/is/are + being+ V3 +P+ Sub.
I am eating a mango.
A mango is being eating by me.
Pre Perfect T
Sub+ have/has + v3 + Obj.
Obj+ have/has + been+ v3 + P+ Sub
I have eaten a mango.
A mango has been eaten by me.
Pre Per Con T
Sub+ have/has+ been+ verb +ing+Obj.
Obj+ have/has+ been+being+V3+ P + Sub.
I have been eating a mango.
A mango has been being eaten by me.
Past Ind T
Sub + v2 + Obj.
Obj + was/were+ V3+ P + Sub.
I ate a mango.
A mango was eaten by me.
Past Con
Sub+ was/were + verb + ing + Obj.
Obj+ was/were + being+ V3+ P + Sub.
I was eating a mango.
A mango was being eaten by me.
Past Per
Sub + had + v3 + Obj.
Obj + had + been+v3 +P + Sub.
I had eaten a mango.
A mango had been eaten by me.
Past Per
Con T
Sub + had + been+ verb+ ing+ Obj.
Obj + had + been+ being+V3+ P + Sub.
I had been eating a mango.
A mango had been being eaten by me.
Future Ind T
Sub + shall/will+ v1+ Obj.
Obj + shall/will+ be+ V3+ P + Sub.
I will eat mango.
A mango will be eaten by me.
Fut Con T
Sub+ shall/will+ be+ verb+ ing+ Obj.
Obj+ shall/will+ be+ being+ V3+ P + Sub.
I will be eating a mango.
A mango will be being eaten by me.
Fut Per
Sub+ shall/will+ have+ V3+ Ob j.
Obj+ shall/will+ have+ been +V3+ P + Sub.
I will have eaten a mango.
A mango will have been eaten by me.
Fut Per
Con T
Sub +shall/will + have + been+ v+ ing+ Obj.
Obj +shall/will + have + been+ being+ V3+ P + Sub
I will have been eating a mango.
A mango will have been being eaten by me.
Phrases & Idioms
A black sheep (kulanger) = He is a black sheep of his family.
A white elephant (useless building) = Our parliament is a white elephant.
Above all (sorbopori) = Above all he is an honest man.
Absorbed in (nimogno) = The prophet absorbed in meditation in the cave of Hera.
Achilles heel (durbal sthan) = Everyone has an achilles heel.
All on a sudden (hotath) = All on a sudden he left office.
Apple of discord (bibader besoy) =The land is an apple of discord between the two brothers.
E-mail cÖhyw³wfwËK RM‡Z †hvMv‡hv‡Mi AZ¨vaywbK gva¨g| Present World-G internet I computer wfwËK mKj communication- Gi †¶‡Î Personal, formal, informal, business I academic chv©‡q E-mail nj RbwcÖq, mnR, mvkªqx I `ª“Z †hvMv‡hvM gva¨g| GwU wbivc`I|
E-mail †jLvvi wKQz mvaviY wbqg i‡q‡Q †m¸‡jv wb‡P †`Iqv n‡jv:
- †h e¨w³i Kv‡Q e-mail †jLv nq Zvi mv‡_ Rvbv‡kvbv I m¤ú‡K©i Ae¯’v‡bi wfwˇZ e-mail Giformality I informality wbf©i K‡i|
- mKj e-mails polite nIqv DwPZ hw`I politeness -Gi gvÎv wbf©i K‡i Kvi Kv‡Q †jLv n‡”Q Ges Kx †jLv n‡”Q Zvi Ici|
- E-mail †cÖiYKvix h_vh_ fve eRvq ivL‡Z formality I politeness e¨envi K‡ib|
- GKB Ae¯’v‡bi colleagues I friends †`i mv‡_ e-mail informal, personal nq Z‡e †mwUpolite I friendly n‡Z n‡e|
- memgq verbs -Gi contracted form e¨eüZ nq| Z‡e e¨wZµg i‡q‡Q| †hgb- first impression.
- E-mail- G attachment _vK‡j Zv D‡jL K‡i Zv‡Z Kx Av‡Q ej‡Z n‡e|
- Kv‡iv KvQ †_‡K attachment †c‡q _vK‡j wdiwZ e-mail - G Zv Rvbv‡Z n‡e|
- E-mail †jLv †k‡l cvVv‡bvi c~‡e© Zv understandable and appropriate n‡q‡Q wKbv Zv †`L‡Zre-read (cybivq cov) Ki‡Z n‡e|
- American e-mail-G informal language _v‡K Avi British e-mail -G formal language†ewk _v‡K|
- E-mail -G †cÖi‡Ki bvg †k‡l D‡jL Ki‡Z n‡e|
- †Kvb mail hw` GKvwaK e¨w³i Kv‡Q cvVv‡Z nq Zvn‡j E-mail e‡·i CC Ack‡b Zv‡`i AddresswjL‡Z n‡e| Ab¨w`‡K BC Ack‡b hv‡`i Address †jLv n‡e Zviv H e-mail wUi Ab¨vb¨ cÖvcK Kviv Zv‡`i Address †`L‡Z cv‡e bv|
Imagine you are Nur and your friend is Hasan. You were supposed to meet him tomorrow but now for an important reson you can’t meet him tomorrow. Now write an e-mail to your friend telling him your inability to meet him. (g‡b Ki Zzwg byi Ges nvmvb †Zvgvi eÜz| †Zvgvi AvMvgxKvj Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Kivi K_v wQ‡jv wKš‘ GLb GKwU ¸i“Z¡c~Y© Kvi‡Y AvMvgxKvj Zzwg Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Ki‡Z cvi‡e bv| GLb Zvi mv‡_ †`Lv Kivi Am¶gZv Rvwb‡h †Zvgvi eÜzi Kv‡Q GKwU B-†gBj †jL|)
From :
To :
Date : 25/03/2013
Subject : My inability to meet you.
Dear Hasan,
I hope you’re well. I’m to tell you that I can’t meet you tomorrow. My maternal uncle will come to our home tomorrow and for that I’ll be very busy at home. I’ll have to help my parents in many context.
Please, don’t mind anything. Ill inform you soon when I can meet you. Take care.
Yours ever
Suffix ‡hv‡M kã MVb
Rule-1, k‡ãi ïi“‡Z ÔAdÕ- †hvM K‡i ÔWord Formation’ Kiv hvq| †hgb-
Given Word
New Word
Dress (†cvkvK)
Equate (mgvb Kiv)
Here (GLv‡b)
Just (b¨vqm½Z)
Minister (gš¿x)
Mission (Awfhvb)
Venture (SzuwK)
Verb (wµqv)
Vice (cvc)
Rule-2, k‡ãi ïi“‡Z ÔBeÕ- †hvM K‡i ÔWord Formation’ Kiv hvq| †hgb-
Given Word
New Word
Get (cvIqv)
Grudge (N„Yv Kiv)
Guile (Qj)
Head (gv_v)
Hold (Av‡qvRb Kiv)
Side (c¶)
Ware (wbwg©Z cY¨mvgMÖx)
Adjective - we‡klY
†h mKj word †Kvb Noun ev Pronoun Gi †`vl, ¸Y, Ae¯’v, msL¨v I cwigvY cÖKvk K‡i, Zv‡`i‡K Adjectivee‡j| †hgb:
Rokshana is a beautiful girl. (†ivKmvbv my›`ix evwjKv|)
He suffers from mental problem. (†m gvbwlK mgm¨vq †fv‡M|)
Rubel is ill. (i“‡ej Amy¯’|)
g~jZ, Adjective ¸‡jvi `yÕai‡bi e¨envi Av‡Q| h_v: (i) Attributive use of adjective (ii) Predicative use of adjective.
Attributive use of Adjective: Adjective hLb †Kvb Noun Gi c~‡e© e‡m mivmwi D³ Noun †Kqualify K‡i A_©vr Zvi †`vl, ¸Y, Ae¯’v, msL¨v , cwigvY BZ¨vw` cÖKvk K‡i ZLb Zv‡K Attributive use of Adjective e‡j| †hgb:
· This is a black pan. (Bnv GKwU Kvj Kjg|)
· Reshma is an intelligent girl. (†ikgv eyw×gwZ evwjKv|)
· Reshma is an intelligent girl. (†ikgv eyw×gwZ evwjKv|)
· It was a dark night. (Bnv GKwU AÜKvi ivZ wQj|)
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