According to great poet Milton, "Education can develop body, mind and soul." So education makes a man perfect. Because these three parts are the main element of human life. So its development is necessary. Education has a great influence on a man's life. There is a lot of different between an educated and an uneducated man. Education is the process by which our mind develops through formal learning at an institution like school, college and university. These institutions can give a man clear conscious view. Education is also a light which removes the darkness of ignorance.
Usually a man learn study to get a good job with good salary. But it is not the purpose of education. Education should promote humanity. Humanity is a great virtue. Only education can promote it. Huminity is essential to nbring peace all over the world. Every person in the world does not get opportunity of proper education. Who get this opportunity they should stand beside the uneducated.
There are different kinds of education in the world. Such as, general education, primary education, education for knowledge, education for invention and reashers and so on. Every education's aim is to enlighten mankind.
There are some people who gain knowledge
Educated man can change the world. If one educated man tries to educated only one uneducated man, we will see after some years that there is no illiterate in the world.